by Xander Nichting | Feb 21, 2023 | Violin Bowing Techniques
Pizzicato / Arco Pizzicato is a playing technique that involves plucking the string with your finger.Arco means playing with the bow. (Arco is asked when the composer wants to switch from plucking to...
by Xander Nichting | Feb 21, 2023 | Violin Bowing Techniques
Staccato Marked with dots under (or above) the notes, these notes are played very shortly, with a slight...
by Xander Nichting | Feb 21, 2023 | Violin Bowing Techniques
Spiccato This is a staccato, but with a bouncing bow.The spiccato is an active jumping bow stroke, meaning that the player controls it with the wrist and...
by Xander Nichting | Feb 21, 2023 | Violin Bowing Techniques
Sautillé This is what we call a passive spiccato.The bow does the jumping, not being influenced by the right arm.There is a small part of the bow where this happens automatically, that would be towards the center of the bow, on the frog side.The Sautillé can therefor...
by Xander Nichting | Feb 21, 2023 | Violin Bowing Techniques
Ricochet Just like Spiccato and Sautillé, Ricochet is also a bouncing bowing technique, and again the bow does the bouncing.This is done near the tip of the bow to get the best bouncing effect.Although this bouncing of the bow goes automatically, the difficult part is...
by Xander Nichting | Feb 21, 2023 | Violin Bowing Techniques
Portato The same as Tenuto, playing the notes separately, but now in one bow...